There is always an alternative side to everything. Not to get too philosophical but nature seems to have an interpreted light and dark side. Lately I have been exploring the idea of natures’ less attractive side. I started with the psilocybin mushroom print, and have continued this study of beauty to moths.
I often see butterfly prints, and plenty of colorful bright colored flying insects prints. While doing research for the follow up to “Sincerity”, I came across the Rosy Maple Moth. Probably, the most incredible looking thing I have ever seen. Sporting a luscious golden fuzz and magenta-almost-pink wings. It looked like a psychedelic spacecraft. I immediately was drawn to its texture and color palette. “Oh what a wonderful bandanna this would make” I thought. But how to express such a thing?
There is something more elegant about he moth than the butterfly. Maybe it has something to do with the spotlight always being on butterflies…? Perhaps, but the moth is textured in such a way that is very attractive to my fabric-mind. The wing patterns when combined with the texture on their bodies it has a really incredible aesthetic. As one of my dear friends put it “flying poodles”.
There is also a strong draw for me to the nonconventional. Moths aren’t really rebellious or anything like that but, they are kind of like little bad boys that eat wool sweaters. They are considered a pest, the punk rock insect perhaps? They are curious little beings and surprising at times. Designing these bandannas has revived my curiosity for digging a little deeper into a subject before re-creating it into something. I hope by making this bandanna people may feel a bit more curious about the moth and maybe dig a little into the subject for themselves. more about the design…
Consulting with my friend and colleague Yurika Shikai, we got to talking about this idea of “cozy as a moth” and moths in general. I enlisted her services again to draw up some rough idea. The idea was that the center of the piece would be pupa and circling in flight around their end-beginning would be the moths. This expression of infinity through life and death was something really interesting to me. Honestly it is a rough expression, but an expression nonetheless.
The design details are from a sort of rare late 1800s bandanna that had an interesting cross pattern that we have incorporated into the design. Keeping things beautiful yet bandanna oriented in design. Available in three color ways this time, in “Rosy Maple”, and “Olive Black”. These will be produced in the standard 90cm x 90cm One Ear Brand size.
These are going to be available in a silk-protein wash that turns the fabric into a silky experience. You will want to wear this all the time - cozy as a moth.
Rosy Maple, and Olive Black available.